Mindful Movement
Control has been taken out of our hands. Restrictions are limiting where we can go, what we can do and when we can do it.
Some will still choose to resist. Some will weigh up the risk vs. reward and decide they wish to partake in a certain activity. Some will continue to conduct their normal lives.
We must bear responsibility for our actions.
Everyone has a level of hypocrisy too. We can easily twist our minds to justify certain actions and behaviors.
I am no exception to this. Certain measures I haven’t implemented as quickly as I should have. At times, I’ve over-consumed toxic content and snubbed valid information.
Humans are imperfect. As such, it’s impossible to get 100% of people to do the right thing, 100% of the time.
My hope is we can all make conscious choices and practice mindful movement.
If you are engaging someone, ensure sensible measures are agreed upon and you trust them. If you leave your home, protect yourself and others by keeping your distance and maintaining your hygiene.
My hope is we can all make conscious choices and practice mindful movement.
Know that there is nothing awkward about wearing a mask or gloves.
Know that if you are self-conscious of others judging you, it is their problem, not yours.
Know that the world is waking up to this new norm and the stigma is dwindling at a rapid rate.
To me, this predicament feels like the war on drugs. In essence, we can’t win this impossible war. The real win is embracing how to lose less.
We can choose if this is a fast or slow pandemic. If we slow it down and flatten the curve, we are ensuring damage will be limited, systems will be less overwhelmed, and more lives will be saved.
To me, this predicament feels like the war on drugs. In essence, we can’t win this impossible war. The real win is embracing how to lose less.
“Since we don’t have a vaccine, we have to socially engineer our behaviour to act like a social vaccine… It’s in our hands literally and figuratively” (Kurzgesagt).
Before you break your self-isolation, check in with yourself.
Do you actually need to see X person, buy X item or do X activity? Have you carefully thought it through? Can you justify the risk and handle the consequences?
*Re-post from 24/03/20